Does Nose Piercing Hurt

Understanding Nose Piercing Pain

So, what does a nose piercing feel like? When I had mine done it felt like a quick, sharp pinch, followed by a dull ache. Using nose piercing pain scale 1-10, I’d say it is a 3 but that’s just my pain ratings and i’ve had a few piercings so understand different levels of pain from Read the rest

Why Is My Piercing Bleeding and How to Address It

A bleeding piercing can be an alarming and disconcerting sight for those who have recently undergone the procedure. This article delves into the various reasons behind a bleeding piercing, as well as offering guidance on how to address the issue.

Ascertaining the root cause and seeking appropriate solutions is crucial to ensure a healthy and expedited healing process.

Understanding the

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Rhino Piercing 101: Everything You Need to Know

A Rhino Piercing is an eye-catching and unique facial piercing that consists of two perforations located at the bridge of the nose. It takes its name from the rhinoceros, as it resembles a rhino’s horn when viewed in profile. This exotic piercing has become increasingly popular among fashion-forward individuals looking for a bold new way to express themselves.

The roots … Read the rest

Septril Piercing 101: Everything You Need to Know

A septril piercing is an uncommon but captivating body modification that has grown in popularity over the years. It involves piercing a single hole through the skin of the nasal septum, located between the nostrils and cartilage just below them. Septril piercings are typically done with curved barbell jewelry or circular rings, although some people opt for straight barbells too. … Read the rest

Nostril Piercing 101: Everything You Need to Know

Nostril piercing is a type of body modification that has been around for centuries. It originated in India and other parts of South Asia where it was used as a sign of beauty, wealth, and even religious devotion. Today, nostril piercings are popular throughout the world with many variations from traditional studs to unique designs such as dermal anchors. The … Read the rest

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