High Nostril Piercing 101: Everything You Need to Know

A High Nostril Piercing is a popular form of piercing located on the side of the nose, near the upper bridge. It has been a part of body modification practices for centuries, with evidence found in India as far back as 2500 BCE. Traditionally pierced with a thin gold or silver stud, today there is an ever-growing range of creative options available such as small hoops and dangling jewelry. This type of piercing offers wearers a unique way to express their individual style while making a bold fashion statement. For those looking to add some extra sparkle to their look, gemstones and crystal embellishments are also popular choices for this type of piercing. With its dramatic look and timeless appeal, it’s no wonder why the High Nostril Piercing continues to be one of the most coveted forms of facial adornment!

Where on my body do I get High Nostril Piercing?

High Nostril Piercings are located on the A high nostril piercing is located on the top of the nose, usually slightly to one side of the bridge. The exact placement can vary depending on individual preference and body shape. The entry point for the piercing should be just above where the cartilage curves into the face..

What are the pain levels* of an High Nostril Piercing on a scale of 1-10?


The initial pain of getting a high nostril piercing is usually described as being sharp and intense, but brief; the healing process can be uncomfortable due to swelling and tenderness, but overall should not be too painful.

What is the best jewelry material to choose for High Nostril Piercing?

When it comes to high nostril piercing, it is essential to choose top-quality materials that are safe, hypoallergenic, and durable. Some of the best options include:

1. Surgical Stainless Steel: This material is a popular choice for piercings due to its durability and affordability. It is also known for its hypoallergenic properties and resistance to corrosion.

2. Titanium: Titanium is an excellent option for people with sensitive skin due to its hypoallergenic properties. It is also lightweight, strong, and resistant to corrosion.

3. 14K or 18K Gold: Gold is another safe metal that works well for high nostril piercings since it doesn’t tarnish or corrode easily like other metals. Plus, gold jewelry adds an extra touch of elegance.

4. Niobium: Similar in terms of hypoallergenic properties as titanium but may not be found at all piercing shops

Ultimately the choice comes down which materials work best with your body chemistry as everyone’s physiology can react differently based on individualized factors.”

How do I safely change my High Nostril Piercing?

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before handling any jewelry or touching the piercing area.
2. Disinfect the new jewelry by cleaning it with rubbing alcohol or boiling water.
3. Use a sterile saline solution to clean the high nostril piercing before changing the jewelry.
4. Gently twist and remove the old jewelry from the piercing hole, taking care not to cause excessive movement or pain to the area.
5. Insert the new jewelry into the piercing hole carefully, making sure it is properly aligned and seated in place without causing discomfort or irritation.
6. If you experience discomfort during insertion, stop immediately and seek professional help from a piercer or healthcare provider if necessary.
7. After inserting new jewelry, continue cleaning with saline solution for several days until fully healed.

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Tips for avoiding discomfort:

– Use smaller gauge (thickness) of jewelry when first changing out after initial healing period
– Avoid bending over while changing out so as not to put pressure on nasal cavity
– Take breaks between each piece of jewellery changed

It is important to note that it’s best to consult a professional piercer before attempting any changes yourself especially for cartilage type piercings such as high nostrils which are more susceptible to complications than other types of body piercings due their location near sensitive sinuses in our nasal cavities .

What type of aftercare should I concentrate on for High Nostril Piercing?

Aftercare is crucial for the proper healing of any piercing, including a high nostril piercing. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1. Cleaning Routine: Clean your piercing twice daily using sterile saline solution or saltwater soaks.

– Soak a cotton ball or pad in saline solution and gently place it on your piercing.
– Leave it there for 5-10 minutes and then remove it.
– Do not twist or turn the jewelry during cleaning as this may damage the tissue around the piercing.

2. Recommended Products: Use only high-quality jewelry made from surgical-grade stainless steel, titanium, niobium, or gold. Avoid cheap jewelry that can cause allergic reactions.

3. Potential Complications: Watch out for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, discharge with an unpleasant odor, and fever.

If you notice any of these symptoms:

– Wash your hands before touching the site to avoid introducing more bacteria into it
– Apply a warm compress – Do this by soaking a clean cloth in hot water and applying it to your nose several times per day
– Avoid picking at scabs – This could reopen wounds that are trying to heal

4. Other Tips:

– Try not to touch or play with your new high nostril piercing too often
– Do not swim until fully healed (about 6 weeks)

Following these aftercare instructions will help ensure that your high nostril piercing heals properly without complications!

What specific risks are there if I get High Nostril Piercing?

High nostril piercing is a popular form of body modification that involves the placement of a piece of jewelry through the upper part of the nostril. Although this type of piercing can enhance your appearance and express your personal style, it also comes with certain risks that you should be aware of before getting it done.

Infection: As with any type of piercing, there is always a risk for infection if proper aftercare procedures are not followed. The area around the high nostril piercing may become red, swollen or tender to touch due to bacterial, fungal or viral infections. If you notice any signs of infection such as pus discharge or fever, seek medical attention immediately.

Keloid Formation: Keloids are thickened scars that develop in some individuals when their skin heals after an injury or wound. High nostril piercings have been known to cause keloid formation which can be unsightly and uncomfortable. If you are prone to keloid formation, avoid getting this type of piercing.

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Allergic Reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions to materials used in high nostril piercings such as nickel or gold alloys. This can result in itching, swelling and other symptoms that may require medical treatment.

To reduce these risks associated with high nostril piercing:

– Choose an experienced professional piercer who follows strict hygiene practices.
– Use only sterile needles and equipment during the procedure.
– Cleanse and care for the pierced area using saline solution as recommended by your piercer.
– Avoid touching the new piercing with dirty hands.
– Remove any jewelry if there’s pain or discomfort until resolved.

Overall, ensure that you’re fully aware about all potential risks associated with getting a high nose ring prior to deciding whether it’s right for you!


What is the minimum legal age for being able to get High Nostril Piercing?

USA: In the USA, there is no federal law that sets a minimum age for high nostril piercings. However, many states and individual piercing studios have their own regulations. It is recommended to check with the specific studio or state laws before getting a high nostril piercing.

UK: In the UK, individuals must be at least 16 years old to get a high nostril piercing without parental consent. If someone under 16 wishes to get this type of piercing, they will need written consent from their parent or guardian.

Australia: In Australia, most states require individuals to be at least 18 years old to get any kind of body modification without parental consent. Some places may allow those who are younger but have written permission from their parent or guardian. It’s always best to check with local guidelines and regulations before undergoing any procedure.

Important Information:

*Pain Levels:
Our pain levels are meant as a guide only. When it comes to the sensitive subject of pain levels during piercing, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience is unique and personal. Factors such as individual pain thresholds, anatomical differences, and even psychological factors can all contribute to how we perceive and handle the sensation of being pierced, making it a truly individual journey.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consulting with a qualified healthcare professional or professional piercer. The content presented here may not be suitable for everyone, as individual circumstances can vary. It is crucial to exercise caution and use your discretion when implementing any suggestions or techniques mentioned on this page. If you are considering any piercing or undergoing any procedure mentioned herein, it is strongly recommended to consult with a professional piercer who can assess your unique situation and provide appropriate guidance. Additionally, for any healthcare-related concerns, it is advisable to seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional who can provide personalized recommendations. By accessing and using the information on this page, you acknowledge and accept that you are solely responsible for your decisions and actions1}. The author, publisher, and website disclaim any liability for any loss or damage incurred by following the information provided.

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