Septum Piercing 101: Everything You Need to Know

A Septum Piercing is one of the most popular types of body modification, with its roots stretching back centuries to ancient tribal cultures. It’s a piercing that goes through the thin tissue between your nostrils, just above your upper lip. The septum area is made up of cartilage and can be pierced in different ways for various effects. A Classic or Standard Septum Piercing involves piercing a needle directly through the center of this cartilage and inserting a circular barbell to hold the jewelry in place. Variations such as Segment Rings, Clicker Rings, Horseshoe Barbells and Captive Bead Rings can all be worn depending on individual preferences. As well as being attractive, it has been known to have healing qualities due to its location near pressure points in the face which are said to stimulate healing energy throughout the body. Whether you’re looking for something daringly unique or an edgy addition to an existing style; a septum piercing is sure to make you stand out from the crowd!

Where on my body do I get Septum Piercing?

Septum Piercings are located on the A septum piercing is located in the center of the nose, between the nostrils. The exact location may vary slightly depending on a person’s individual anatomy, but generally it should be placed at least 1/8 inch away from the top cartilage lining of the nose and centered in between..

What are the pain levels* of an Septum Piercing on a scale of 1-10?

I would suggest that the pain level from 1 to 10 (1 low and 10 high) for septum piercing are in the region of 4/10!

Generally, the pain level experienced during the septum piercing process is moderate to low. However, how much discomfort you feel will depend on your individual pain tolerance. During the initial healing phase, some soreness and tenderness in the area of piercing is common as your body adjusts to its new piercing.

What is the best jewelry material to choose for Septum Piercing?

1. Surgical Stainless Steel – This material is commonly used in medical settings due to its resistance to corrosion and ability to withstand high temperatures. It is also hypoallergenic and safe for use in piercings.

2. Titanium – Known for its strength, durability, and lightweight properties, titanium is a popular choice among individuals with sensitive skin or allergies to other metals. It is also biocompatible and resistant to corrosion.

3. Gold – Pure gold (24 karat) or 14-karat gold are both suitable materials for septum piercings due to their low reactivity rates with the skin. Gold jewelry tends to be more expensive than other options but offers a luxurious look that some people prefer.

4. Niobium – Similar in properties as titanium, niobium has risen in popularity within piercing communities for its hypoallergenic characteristics when it comes into contact with human tissue.

5. Glass – A highly hygienic option that can provide a unique aesthetic touch while being nonreactive against the body’s immune system by not causing allergic reactions.

It’s essential always to consult your professional piercer before making any decisions about your jewelry materials selection; they will guide you based on your preferences while ensuring safety standards are met during the healing process of a septum piercing or any type of body modification procedure performed safely!

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How do I safely change my Septum Piercing?

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before touching your septum piercing or any jewelry.

2. Clean the area around the piercing with a saline solution or an antiseptic wipe to remove any dirt, oil, or bacteria.

3. If you have not changed your septum jewelry before, it’s important to gain some familiarity with how it works and how it feels in your nose by practicing changing it when you are not in a hurry or experiencing discomfort.

4. Gently twist the ends of the jewelry until they unscrew from each other. Be careful not to pull on the jewelry too hard as this can cause unnecessary pain and discomfort.

5. Remove the old jewelry carefully by sliding it out from inside your nose without pulling too much pressure on either side of your nostrils at once.

6. Take care not to touch anything else while handling new jewelry as this can transfer bacteria that could cause an infection – isolate only what you need for changing out one piece of septum ring at a time!

7. Once you’ve found a new piece of jewellery that suits both style preferences and physical comfort (e.g., lightweight materials like titanium might be ideal), insert one end gently into one nostril opening until fully inserted, then repeat for other nostril opening.

8. Slowly screw together both ends of jewellery together until they’re tight enough but still comfortable! Do NOT overtighten as this can further irritate sensitive tissue lining our noses

9.Cleanse around where piercings sit again after completing steps 1-8 to avoid infections.

10.Last but most importantly follow up frequently after every few days just take care if there is no burning sensation ,pain or redness appearing near pierced area .

What type of aftercare should I concentrate on for Septum Piercing?

Aftercare Instructions for Septum Piercing:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the piercing.

2. Cleanse the piercing twice a day with an antiseptic solution, such as saline solution or a mild soap and water mixture.

3. Soak a clean cotton swab in the cleaning solution and gently clean around the piercing site, being careful not to twist or turn the jewelry.

4. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a clean paper towel.

5. Avoid submerging your head in any bodies of water such as pools, hot tubs or lakes during healing period

6. If necessary to blow nose during healing period do it very carefully avoiding twisting jewelry

7. Do not touch your piercing unless you are cleaning it.

8. Avoid using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other harsh chemicals on your piercing as they can slow down healing process

9 .Avoid wearing tight clothing that rubs against your nose for at least 2 weeks after getting pierced

10 . Be cautious about applying makeup around area near septum

11 . Complications may include swelling ,redness ,painful discharge from wound site , if these symptoms persists seek medical attention immediately .

12 . Healing time varies but typically takes 6-8 weeks .

What specific risks are there if I get Septum Piercing?

Septum piercing, like any other piercing, carries certain risks that individuals should be aware of before getting it done. Some potential risks associated with septum piercing include:

1. Infection: One of the most common risks associated with body piercings is infection. Septum piercing can cause an infection if not done properly or if adequate aftercare measures are not followed.

2. Keloid formation: Keloids are raised scars that form at the site of a wound and are more likely to occur in people who have a history of developing keloids. Septum piercings can lead to keloid formation, which may require medical intervention for removal.

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3. Allergic reactions: Individuals with sensitive skin or allergies could develop an allergic reaction to metals used in septum jewelry such as nickel or copper.

4. Pain and discomfort: New piercings typically result in some level of pain and discomfort during the healing process, which can last several weeks to months depending on individual healing times.

5. Migration or rejection: Sometimes, the body may reject the foreign object inserted through skin resulting in migration or complete rejection of jewelry from pierced area.

To minimize these risks, it is important that individuals get their septum piercing done by a professional piercer using sterile equipment and follow aftercare instructions strictly advised by their healthcare provider until fully healed


What is the minimum legal age for being able to get Septum Piercing?

In the USA, there is no federal law regarding a minimum age for septum piercing. However, some states and cities have their own regulations. For example, in California, minors under the age of 18 must have written consent from a parent or legal guardian to get pierced.

In the UK, it is illegal to perform any body modification procedures on anyone under the age of 16 without parental consent. Therefore, individuals under 16 need their parents’ permission to get a septum piercing.

In Australia, laws vary between states and territories. In Victoria and Queensland, individuals must be at least 16 years old with parental consent to get pierced. In New South Wales and Western Australia, minors can only receive piercings if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who gives written consent. South Australia requires individuals under 18 years old to obtain written authorization from their parents or guardians before getting pierced.

It’s important to note that these regulations are subject to change over time so it’s best practice for an individual inquiring about getting a Septum Piercing they should consult with local laws and regulations beforehand.

Important Information:

*Pain Levels:
Our pain levels are meant as a guide only. When it comes to the sensitive subject of pain levels during piercing, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience is unique and personal. Factors such as individual pain thresholds, anatomical differences, and even psychological factors can all contribute to how we perceive and handle the sensation of being pierced, making it a truly individual journey.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consulting with a qualified healthcare professional or professional piercer. The content presented here may not be suitable for everyone, as individual circumstances can vary. It is crucial to exercise caution and use your discretion when implementing any suggestions or techniques mentioned on this page. If you are considering any piercing or undergoing any procedure mentioned herein, it is strongly recommended to consult with a professional piercer who can assess your unique situation and provide appropriate guidance. Additionally, for any healthcare-related concerns, it is advisable to seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional who can provide personalized recommendations. By accessing and using the information on this page, you acknowledge and accept that you are solely responsible for your decisions and actions1}. The author, publisher, and website disclaim any liability for any loss or damage incurred by following the information provided.

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