Surface Piercing 101: Everything You Need to Know

Surface piercings are a popular body modification in which jewelry is inserted through the skin and exits midway between two points. They can be found on any part of the body, from the chest to the neck, and even to fingertips. Typical surface piercings include dermal anchors, temporary microdermals, scalpels, scalpel blades and more. While surface piercing may appear intimidating at first glance, it has been around for centuries – with references to its use dating back as far as 400 BCE! Today’s modern take on this ancient practice offers individuals an opportunity to express their individual style while expressing themselves in unique ways through creative designs. Popular variations of surface piercing include transdermals (permanent or removable), single-point piercings (single entry point into dermis) and double-point piercings (two entry points). With so many options available today – both traditional and modern – surface piercing remains an attractive form of self expression that continues to captivate many individuals across all walks of life.

Where on my body do I get Surface Piercing?

Surface Piercings are located on the For example on the left shoulder

A surface piercing on the left shoulder is located at the top of the shoulder, near where it meets the neck. It should be placed horizontally, typically along a horizontal line that runs between the clavicle and acromion bone. Depending on body shape and size, this can vary slightly from person to person..

What are the pain levels* of an Surface Piercing on a scale of 1-10?


Most people report mild to moderate pain during the piercing process, which can be managed with deep breathing and relaxation techniques. During the initial healing phase, some soreness or discomfort may be experienced at the site of the piercing.

What is the best jewelry material to choose for Surface Piercing?

When it comes to surface piercings, choosing the right material for your jewelry is crucial. You want to make sure that you’re using a metal that won’t irritate or damage your skin and one that can withstand the rigors of everyday wear and tear. Here are some top-quality materials that you should consider:

1. Surgical Stainless Steel – This is probably one of the most popular metals used in body jewelry because it’s durable, affordable, and hypoallergenic. It’s also resistant to corrosion and doesn’t tarnish over time.

2. Titanium – Titanium is another great option for surface piercings because it’s lightweight yet strong enough to withstand daily wear and tear. It’s also highly biocompatible, which means it minimizes the risk of any allergic reactions.

3. Gold – If you’re looking for something more luxurious, then gold might be a good choice for your surface piercing jewelry. Gold is highly durable, non-reactive with skin (if high-karat), and has an elegant appearance.

Ultimately, when selecting material options suitable for a surface piercing; always prioritize safety first before aesthetics or price range as this can help prevent complications such as infections or allergic reactions down the line!

How do I safely change my Surface Piercing?

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to avoid introducing bacteria to the piercing site.
2. Clean the jewelry you plan to replace with an antiseptic solution or rubbing alcohol.
3. Gently remove any crusty buildup around the piercing site using a clean cotton swab soaked in saline solution.
4. Softly grasp one end of the jewelry piece that is currently inserted and gently pull it out through the surface hole, being careful not to tug or exert too much pressure on it.
5. Swiftly insert the new jewelry into place by slipping one end of it through the surface hole and securing it in place with its threaded ball closure using a clockwise twisting motion (if applicable).
6. Securely tighten any additional threading on both ends of your new surface barbell if necessary, taking care not to overtighten which can cause discomfort or irritation for weeks following your changeout.
7. Finally, wipe down both sides of your newly replaced surface piercing with sterile saline solution or another recommended cleansing agent before reapplying any ointments such as antibiotic creams if needed.

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Tips for avoiding common difficulties:
– Use high-quality body jewelry made from inert metals such as titanium instead of cheaper alloys like nickel which may provoke allergic reactions
– Be patient and gentle when removing old piercings as these can be sensitive areas that will require extra attention during cleaning/treatment afterward
– Always follow proper hygiene procedures by washing hands frequently throughout all phases involved in changing/piercing upkeep; keep tools like needle-nose pliers sanitized between uses
– Avoid wearing tight clothing that could snag against freshly healed piercings, causing irritation or injury

What type of aftercare should I concentrate on for Surface Piercing?

Aftercare instructions for a surface piercing:

1. Cleaning routine:
Clean the piercing twice daily with saline solution or saltwater. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt with 8 ounces of warm water to create the solution. Use sterile gauze pads to clean around the jewelry and let air dry.

2. Avoid touching or twisting the jewelry:
Do not touch your piercing unless you are cleaning it, as this may introduce bacteria into the wound that can lead to infection.

3. Avoid alcohol-based products:
Avoid using any harsh chemicals or alcohol-based solutions near your new piercing, as they can irritate and dry out your skin.

4. Wear loose clothing:
Wear loose-fitting clothes during healing, so no fabric rubs against your piercing and causes irritation.

5. Don’t submerge in water:
Avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes, rivers – anything that could potentially expose your new piercings to dirty waters which can harbor harmful bacteria that increase risk for infections until fully healed.

6. Potential complications:
Watch out for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, warmth around the site and pain – pus is also a common symptom accompanied by an unpleasant smell from exudates oozing from wounds). Seek medical attention if symptoms persist after first aid measures have been taken.

7. Recommended aftercare products:
Use mild soap-free cleanser (e.g., Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser) for bathing instead of regular soap which contains harsh chemicals that can cause irritation; use cotton balls soaked in saline solution or tea tree oil (diluted in distilled water) applied directly onto affected areas twice daily until completely healed (usually takes about 8-12 weeks depending on how quickly one heals).

By following these simple steps outlined above will help ensure proper healing without any further issues arising from negligence on behalf of those who get surface piercings done!

What specific risks are there if I get Surface Piercing?

Surface piercings pose several risks that individuals should be aware of, including:

1. Infection: Any piercing creates an open wound in the skin, which increases the risk of infection. Surface piercings are particularly vulnerable as they are placed through a flat area of skin and can easily trap bacteria.

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2. Keloid formation: Keloids are raised scars that form when the body produces too much collagen during healing. Some people may be genetically predisposed to keloid formation, and surface piercings have a higher likelihood of causing keloids due to their placement on flat areas with little tissue for support.

3. Allergic reactions: Piercing jewelry is often made from materials such as nickel, copper, or brass that can cause allergic reactions in some people. Surface piercings increase the surface area where jewelry comes into contact with the skin, increasing exposure to potential allergens.

It’s important to seek professional advice if you experience any complications after getting a surface piercing. Your piercer can provide guidance on how to properly care for your new piercing and identify any signs of infection or other issues early on. If you have a history of keloid formation or allergies to certain metals, it’s especially crucial to discuss these concerns with your piercer before getting pierced so they can recommend appropriate jewelry options for you.


What is the minimum legal age for being able to get Surface Piercing?

USA: The minimum age for surface piercing in the USA varies from state to state. In some states, there is no specific age limit as long as parental consent is provided. However, in other states, the minimum age ranges from 14-18 years old with parental permission.

UK: According to UK regulations, individuals must be at least 16 years old to receive a surface piercing without parental consent. If an individual is under 16 years of age, they will need written and signed consent from their parent or legal guardian before receiving a surface piercing.

Australia: In Australia, the legal age for getting a surface piercing without parental consent varies between each state and territory. Generally speaking, individuals must be at least 18 years of age to get piercings such as this without requiring any form of parental or guardian approval. However in certain cases minors between ages of 16-18 may require written permission from parents or guardians before getting pierced depending on where they reside within Australia.

Important Information:

*Pain Levels:
Our pain levels are meant as a guide only. When it comes to the sensitive subject of pain levels during piercing, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience is unique and personal. Factors such as individual pain thresholds, anatomical differences, and even psychological factors can all contribute to how we perceive and handle the sensation of being pierced, making it a truly individual journey.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consulting with a qualified healthcare professional or professional piercer. The content presented here may not be suitable for everyone, as individual circumstances can vary. It is crucial to exercise caution and use your discretion when implementing any suggestions or techniques mentioned on this page. If you are considering any piercing or undergoing any procedure mentioned herein, it is strongly recommended to consult with a professional piercer who can assess your unique situation and provide appropriate guidance. Additionally, for any healthcare-related concerns, it is advisable to seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional who can provide personalized recommendations. By accessing and using the information on this page, you acknowledge and accept that you are solely responsible for your decisions and actions1}. The author, publisher, and website disclaim any liability for any loss or damage incurred by following the information provided.

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